Things to Keep in Mind Before Valet Car Parking – Wheelsonspin
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Things to Keep in Mind Before Valet Car Parking

All the car owners must have used Valet car parking facility at some point in their life. Mainly, if the weather is not suitable for you or you are in a hurry to attend a meeting or function. And, we also have heard about stories regarding personal stuff being missed along with crazy joyrides and car part damages. Here are a few points to consider and practice while you opt for valet car parking.

Keeping these points in mind while you choose for Valet Car Parking will make sure your belongings are safe and your car is in proper condition.

Protect all your possessions- This is the first thing you must do. You do not have a choice to choose from. And every item of value should be taken out and carried with you. In case, you do not want to take it along with yourself, you must get them locked safely. Consider utilizing the trunk and glove box to secure belongings as a valet key will not have any kind of access to it. In case, you do not have a valet key, it is better to have a trunk box that can be securely keyed.

Note the Odometer reading- Before you hand over the keys for valet parking, ensure that you make a note of the odometer reading. By doing this, you will come to know if the driver went for a joyride or not. Nobody would want somebody else to take their car and go for a drive. And, if by chance, a car collides with another car, then as the car is registered in your name, you will be behind the bars.

Car damage checks- Get acquainted with any type of damage that your car has suffered. Valet parking executives at first check if any kind of damage is present in your car. However, it is better to keep a check yourself.

Check the time of valet parking-The usefulness of valet parking will be a waste if you return and find that they are closed. Thus, note down the valet parking time as a precautionary step.

Valet car parking check your vehicle- Once you are back, ensure that you look around and check your car. This is the time for you to check the car for any kind of loss or damage. So, make the most of this chance. If you find any kind of mismatch in the odometer or if any of your significant belonging missing, then it’s better to complain about it without a second thought.

Tips for your valet person- Tipping has its own advantages and disadvantages and can make your life easier if you are a frequent visitor. If it is a complimentary service, a small tip is considered courteous behaviour. There is no such fixed amount that you need to pay as a tip. It totally depends on you and nobody will question you.

Keep in mind in Valet Car parking you are handing over the costliest and lived possession to someone to take care. A little effort and time are what is required for you to make sure that your car and belongings are in safe hand.

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